Shaping Tomorrow: KPA-PAC in Kentucky's Legislative Arena


April 2024

By Ben Birkby, Psy.D.

As the current legislative session in Kentucky draws to a close, you can rest assured that your Kentucky Psychological Association (KPA) Political Action Committee has been advocating for crucial issues impacting our field and the well-being of our communities. We actively discussed recommendations from the KPA Legislative Committee and made decisions about which campaigns the PAC should contribute to, ensuring that psychologists' voices were heard in the political arena. The members of the KPA-PAC are proud of the fact that we operate in a nonpartisan manner, focusing solely on advocating for candidates who support policies and legislation that benefit the field of psychology and the well-being of individuals in Kentucky, regardless of their political affiliation.

The KPA-PAC serves as a vital platform for psychologists to collectively address systemic issues within our profession. We voice concerns regarding funding for mental health programs, access to mental health services, and the integration of psychological principles into various sectors such as education, healthcare, and criminal justice.

Does this type of work intrigue you? Do you want to make a difference?

The KPA-PAC encourages YOU to consider joining the PAC and lending your expertise as we continue the work of shaping our profession and promoting the well-being of individuals and communities throughout the state of Kentucky. Reach out to Ben Birkby at to express your interest.

You can also learn more about the PAC or contribute at

Advocating in the face of anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

KPA PAC Article

KPA Newsletter Q2 2023

By Felicia Smith, PhD

KPA works closely with policymakers in Frankfort to shape legislation that advances our profession and promotes the highest level of health and wellness for all Kentuckians. The KPA PAC is just one of the advocacy arms of KPA; it’s primary focus is getting and keeping mental health champions in the Kentucky legislature.

With the recurring efforts to squelch affirming and inclusive policies, education, and public health decisions in our state, our collective voice is increasingly important to ensure that legislation is informed by constituent psychologists and by psychological science.

When faced with anti-LGBTQ+ legislation like the passing of Senate Bill 150, our work takes on even greater importance. As advocates, we must be relentless to prevent the passing of all measures that stigmatize young people, putting their mental well-being at risk.

The passing of Senate Bill 150 reminds us how important it is that psychologists play a key role in public health – through policy, education, and intervention. As partners in advocacy for mental health, here’s our ask:

·        Educate yourselves on how to provide sensitive, responsive, and informed care for LGTBQ+ young people and adults

·        Communicate through our channels of influence (e.g., blog posts, social media, newsletters) that we are here to support families and youth in need

·        Speak up to ensure that future policies are informed by psychological science

·        Join the KPA-PAC to advocate for the legislative priorities of KPA

·        Donate to the KPA-PAC to help us get and keep mental health champion in the KY legislature

Thank you for your continued support and advocacy.

March 2022 Newsletter

by Don Rogers, M.A.

When I first heard of KPA’s Political Action Committee (PAC) several years ago, it was not immediately clear to me how the PAC would assist in carrying out the priorities and values of KPA and its members. As I have seen KPA’s overall advocacy strategy in action over the years, it has become more clear to me how the PAC is a very important component of the strategy. I will share with you one area in which legislation and public policy have real world impact, how that pertains to the mission and values of KPA and how the KPA-PAC helps impact these issues.

Let’s start by reviewing KPA’s adopted value statement which is as follows:

“As an organization, KPA affirms and upholds:

● Psychological Science
● Social Engagement
● Integrity
● Care and Compassion
● Health and Well-Being for the whole population
● Equity and Inclusiveness
● Dignity and the Inherent Worth of All People”

These values also align with the mission of Kentucky’s 14 Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs). The CMHCs are non-profit organizations that serve a social safety net function delivering mental health, substance abuse, and intellectual and developmental dIsorder services to all communities across the state. The CMHCs operate programs that provide the full spectrum of behavioral health services including psychotherapy, emergency services, psychiatry, residential care, and specialized programming. These services are crucial to some of the most vulnerable individuals in our communities who suffer from the negative impact of behavioral health conditions. Many of these individuals have severe and chronic behavioral health conditions that create major barriers in their lives such as difficulty maintaining employment, insufficient income, and unstable housing. If not for the CMHCs, many of these folks would have no services at all.

Although the CMHCs are not government agencies, they are highly impacted by state legislation, the state budget, and state regulations. Funding comes through a combination of state funds, federal funds, Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance. In addition to the major limitations of these funding sources, 13 of the CMHCs participate in Kentucky’ severely underfunded retirement system and are legally bound to remain in the retirement system, creating an ever increasing financial expense which is determined by state policy makers.

I spent my career in the CMHC system providing direct services and serving in leadership roles. I was the Chief Clinical Officer at New Vista, the CMHC serving central Kentucky, and most recently served as interim CEO of Comprehend in northeastern Kentucky. I have seen first-hand the challenges CMHCs face in carrying out essential programming due to financial constraints and having to navigate a complex system, much of which is determined by public policy. State funding has shrunk significantly over the last 10 years, workforce challenges have increased, and the expense of the retirement system has grown enormously.

KPA has a long history of supporting the CMHCs, often directly advocating for legislation such as inclusion of funding in the state budget and many other policy issues that impact the CMHCs. The KPA-PAC serves to boost that advocacy by providing direct financial support to the campaigns of legislators who support the needs of the CMHCs. Such advocacy has been important in addressing many threats to the system and remains important in helping the CMHCs thrive. I am proud of the work I have done in community mental health where I was able to be part of a team of people carrying out a mission that is consistent with my own values and where I was able to bring sound clinical practices grounded in principles of psychology into the CMHC’s clinical programs. I am equally proud to be a KPA member and part of that pride comes from KPA’s legacy of active support for the cause of making our communities and the world a better place. Affecting policy is a critical part of that legacy and the KPA-PAC is a key element.

June 2019 KPA PAC Newsletter

By Georgeann Brown, Ph.D.

Mental health advocacy is a passion of mine, and I have the privilege of being involved in multiple areas of advocacy within the Kentucky Psychology Association.  I am the Federal Advocacy Coordinator, a member of the Legislative Committee, have chaired KPA’s Legislative/Psychology Day in Frankfort for the past 6 years, and serve on the KPA Political Action Committee. The idea of psychologists getting involved politically to help influence mental health policy appealed to me early on in my career, but it took me the “longest” to understand the importance of contributing money to political campaigns.  Every year, I would help prepare KPA’s talking points for our annual Psychology Day in Frankfort, and send Action Alerts to the KPA membership for important legislation.  Despite our group being well prepared and articulating our legislative priorities effectively, it became clear to me the importance of having legislators in office that would help us accomplish our legislative priorities and ultimately to improve mental health access and treatment in Kentucky.  With psychology-friendly legislators in office, we are more likely to see success.   I have come to see that these legislators are in both political parties, often have a family member/friend who is struggling with a mental health issue, and understand the value of protecting and promoting psychology/behavioral health care. I now realize the importance of psychology being involved in the entire political process, not only to be at the table, but to be a part of creating it.      

At the KPA Board retreat on June 7th and 8th  at Barren River State Park, I spoke on behalf of the PAC regarding the importance of political giving through KPA-PAC.  In order for the best candidates to be elected, they have to procure funding for their campaigns.  In 2018, KPA gave over $11,300 to 21 candidates.  Over 81% of the candidates we gave to were elected. KPA-PAC has a process of deciding which candidates to give to that have been friendly to KPA’s priorities and mental health policies we support.  Giving to these legislators’ campaigns helps get psychology-friendly legislators elected, gives KPA name recognition, and distinguishes us as an allied organization that wants to work with politicians to improve mental health care in Kentucky.

KPA’s board and committee members are highly involved, and many prioritize giving to KPA-PAC.    We had a fun Starbucks gift card drawing for board members who pledged to give to the KPA-PAC at our board retreat on June 8th.  Congratulations to Maggie Sargeant for winning the drawing (see picture).  If we all pool our money together, we can work to help elect the best candidates, give voice to KPA, and help prioritize mental health-related legislation that will best serve Kentuckians.  Please consider donating at the following levels below:

□ Bronze Level $1-100

□ Silver Level $101-249

 □ Gold Level $250-499

□ Platinum Level $500-$999 

□ Leadership Circle $1000 - $2000

You can contribute in one of two ways:

1. Personal check written to “KPA-PAC:  that may be mailed to KPA-PAC, attn Joe Edwards, 1300 Clear Springs Trace, Suite 7  Louisville, KY 40223;

2. On-line with a personal credit card by going to  

Checks can be personal checks (preferred) but they can come from business checks (if the business is not incorporated, an LLC or is Associates in Psychology) It could be a check from “Dr. Joe Schmoe” from a business account. PAC donations are NOT tax deductible


April 2019 KPA Newsletter Article

By Dr. Michelle Bornstein, Psy.D.

The KPA Political Action Committee (PAC) is a strong voice in Frankfort representing the interests of  psychologists and mental health clinicians and working to promote the psychological well-being of the citizens of Kentucky. 

The 2019 legislative session recently ended and, during the 30-day period, over 75 bills were reviewed, resulting in some great successes for the psychological community and for the state of Kentucky! 

SB1, a KPA-supported bill, passed the House and Senate and was signed into law by Governor Bevin. This law will require every school in Kentucky to adopt a trauma-informed approach to assist in identifying and addressing the learning needs of students impacted by trauma and to promote an environment where students can feel safe, nurtured and successful.    

Relatedly, House Floor Amendment 1, also supported by KPA, passed and was signed into law.  This law gives schools flexibility to hire licensed mental health professionals, at a ratio of 1:250 students, in addition to the school counselors already placed in those schools. Not only will this law work to bolster schools in protecting its most vulnerable students but it will create more positions for Kentucky’s licensed clinicians. KPA will continue to fight to add mental health professionals to school staff for support and consultation on the school’s trauma-informed teams.   

Senate Bill 65, passed and signed into law, establishes a Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Task Force - which will include a KPA member as a participant - aimed at improving the quality and delivery of palliative care initiatives. 

These are just a few of the bills supported by KPA that were passed and signed into law.

The KPA-PAC is a bipartisan political action committee of the Kentucky Psychological Association.  The KPA-PAC conducts legislative and political advocacy on behalf of practitioners and educators who are members of the KPA.  Decisions made in Frankfort impact important matters including the creation of new positions for mental health clinicians, insurance reimbursements and licensure.    

The KPA-PAC is the only political action committee representing psychologists in Kentucky’s political process and is funded through the contributions of Kentucky’s psychologist and mental health clinicians.  KPA membership dues do not go toward the PAC, which relies on your generous donations.  

Help the KPA-PAC advance and protect our profession! Learn more about the KPA-PAC and make a contribution at

KPA-PAC 2017-18 Election Cycle Results

In the 2017-2018 election cycle, the Kentucky Psychological Association-Political Action Committee (KPA-PAC) made the following contributions:

The Kentucky House Democratic Caucus - D

Kentucky Republican House Caucus - R


Senate Contributions:

Julie Raque Adams - R

House Contributions:

Linda Belcher - D

Karen Berg - D

Tina Bojanowski - D

Charles Booker - D

McKenzie Cantrell - D

Jeff Donohue - D

Ken Fleming - R

Alan Gentry - D

Joni Jenkins - D

Dennis Keene - D

Mary Lou Marzian - D

Patti Minter - D

Kim Moser - R

Jason Nemes - R

David Osborne - R

Ruth Ann Palumbo - D

Cherlynn Stevenson - D

Wilson Stone - D

Lisa Willner - D

Jill York – R

Election Summary

Donated to 21 candidates

81% won their elections (17 of 21)

73% of donations went to Democratic candidates

27% of donations went to Republican candidates

Donated $8,300 to individual candidates in the general election

Donated $3,000 to the D/R caucuses in the general election

Total KPA-PAC donations for 2017- 2018 Election Cycle: $11,300


Bold – candidates supported that won


December 2017 KPA-PAC Newsletter

By Joseph Edwards, Psy.D.

In November, I learned that my state representative Jim Wayne was retiring after 26 years of service and would not be running for re-election in November of 2018. While the news saddened me on a personal level, as Jim has been a friend, it also worried me on a professional level that we were losing a licensed mental health professional (LCSW) and a strong voice for mental health issues over the years. But it has created a wonderful opportunity for an excellent candidate to emerge! I was overjoyed to hear that Lisa Willner, our KPA Executive Director, will be running for Jim’s seat as the representative for the 35th House District in Kentucky. Lisa has name recognition in the area, as she was elected in 2014 to the Jefferson County Public School Board with strong support, and is currently the vice-chair of the board. This is a truly an historic moment, as we have never before had a chance to support a psychologist in a race for the Kentucky General Assembly!

Why should one consider supporting Lisa Willner? Well, in a recent article in the Couirer-Journal (11/20/17 by Boris Ladwig), Lisa gave some clear reasons as to why she feels compelled to run for the position. She said that the House could use a progressive woman’s voice. She will advocate for access to affordable healthcare, especially mental healthcare, and for workers’ rights, and she will continue to advocate for public education with proper funding for public schools and teachers. It is critical that we ensure that the Kentucky Assembly has members who understand these priorities and will fight to support children, families and the working people of our Commonwealth in their budget and policy deliberations.

To have a psychologist as a policy-maker in Frankfort would give us a strong voice within the assembly in a familiar seat! I would be hard pressed to think of a more fitting candidate for District 35 than Lisa Willner. This opportunity is rare and it is important that we seize the chance to capture this seat!

The reality is, it will be a tough fight to elect a psychologist to the House. Willner already has at least one primary opponent who is a labor organizer. Others are likely to join in the race, as Jim’s decision not to run will attract a number of candidates for the seat. Recently, I gave some of my time to walk with Lisa in Audubon Park to introduce her to people that I know and to enthusiastically support her to my neighbors. I shared with them why I think Lisa Willner should have their attention and vote in the primary election on May 22, 2018. I hope all of us in psychology can rally behind Lisa Willner and make her the first psychologist elected to the Kentucky Legislature! For more information about Lisa and her campaign, please go to her website: www.lisaforkyhouse.


KPA-PAC 2018 Legislative Priorities

KPA 2018 Legislative Priorities

Revised after 11/10/17 EC Meeting

Support state funding and legislation that increases access to behavioral health services and supports a positive climate for psychological providers.

Rationale/examples: Require uniform credentialing and prompt payment by Medicaid MCOs and other insurers; Support expanded services to address the Commonwealth’s opioid crisis; Provide financial help to sustain CMHCs’ operations as part of the state’s retirement system.

Support legislation maintaining psychologists’ role in licensing, regulating, and overseeing the practice of psychology.

Rationale/examples: Maintain the autonomous functioning of the KY Board of Examiners of Psychology.

Uphold public protection by opposing legislation allowing non-psychologists to deliver services which are clearly defined as the practice of psychology.

Rationale/examples: Seek revision of bill language which, if not modified, would infringe on the practice of psychology by those seeking licensure in another field.

Increase psychology’s voice in decisions affecting behavioral health.

Rationale/examples: Establish a Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council within the Cabinet for Health and Family Services with one or more psychologists on the council.

Support legislation that improves health equity for historically underserved populations.

Rationale/examples: Add health supports to reduce gaps in health services; Reimburse peer support specialists in both the mental health and substance use disorder arenas; Take actions to decrease social isolation in vulnerable populations which erodes health quality; Create community health workers to link Kentuckians with appropriate health care services.

Support legislation designed to improve population health outcomes in Kentucky.

Rationale/examples: Support anti-smoking measures; Fund health literacy programs across the state.

Maintain Medicaid coverage to all Kentuckians below 138% of the federal poverty level with full benefits and without barriers.

Rationale/examples: Protect coverage of the approximately 440,000 Kentuckians on the Medicaid rolls under the Medicaid Expansion, many of whom access substance abuse services.

Support legislative priorities adopted by the KY Mental Health Coalition.

Rationale/examples: Biennial budget which at a minimum maintains current funding for health and education; protects SMI individuals from the death penalty; assures access to prescribed medications; protects victim’s right

At the federal level: Require all health plans to:

∙       maintain Essential Health Benefits, including coverage of mental health and substance use disorder services and behavioral health treatment

∙       apply parity requirements under the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) to Medicaid and Medicare and to all plans in the individual, small and large group markets

∙       establish an array of basic insurance protections, including prohibiting pre-existing condition exclusions, annual/lifetime coverage limits, discrimination based on health status

∙       require guaranteed renewal of coverage, network adequacy, age and gender rating restrictions, an effective appeals processes

Extend Medicaid coverage to all Americans below 138% of the federal poverty level with maximum benefits and minimum barriers.

Support the Medicare Mental Health Access Act, H.R. 1173/S.448, which would add psychologists to Medicare's "physician" definition and remove physician oversight and referral requirements under Medicare that would make it easier for patients to access behavioral health services.


By Dr. Ben Birkby

The KPA-PAC is the only political action committee speaking for psychologists in Kentucky’s political process. Decisions made in Frankfort impact matters, such as psychology licensure, insurance reimbursements, and our very identity as psychologists. KPA-PAC is a bipartisan political action committee of the Kentucky Psychological Association. KPA-PAC conducts legislative and political advocacy on behalf of practitioners and educators who are members of the Kentucky Psychological Association.



·       KPA-PAC ranked 7th out of 24 health professional PACs in 2016 (in 2015 KPA-PAC ranked 24th out of 25 health PACs)!

·       11 out of 14 KPA-PAC supported candidates were victorious in 2016!

·       Candidates from both political parties were supported by KPA-PAC in 2016!

·       For the 2nd year in a row the KPA-PAC has received strong financial support from the KPA Board!

·       KPA-PAC is becoming more visible in the political process!


Learn more about the work of the KPA-PAC at the KPA CONVENTION in November. Visit us at the KPA-PAC Booth or the ECP/Early Licensee Social.


Raise your voice for psychology. Help advance and protect your profession. Make a contribution at