KPA-PAC Advocacy
KPA's Advocacy over the past few years...
How has KPA helped the profession of psychology? Here are a few examples of the legislation we have successfully advocated for in the past few years:
- Passed legislation creating an appeals process for providers within Medicaid and Medicaid Managed Care.
- Passed legislation requiring insurers & MCOs to give notice to providers before making substantive changes in their contracts, including putting providers into a network.
- Passed legislation that protected psychologists’ liability when utilizing “duty to warn” in outpatient settings in addition to inpatient settings.
- Passed a regulation to include psychologists outside of CMHCs to be a part of the Medicaid network.
- Supported continued funding for mental health programs in the budget and protections for mentally ill.
- Prevented Medicare cuts for psychologists.
- Spearheaded passage of mental health/substance abuse parity legislation.